CLOSED 1/7/22
The Office of the First Selectwoman of Seymour, CT has closed all Seymour municipal buildings, Friday, January 7, 2022 due to the pending inclement weather. Therefore, Naugatuck Valley Health District office will be closed. 

Limited staff may be available by phone. Please call our main number 203-881-3255 and leave a message at the intended extension by following the phone directory.
Did you know that if you need to drop off an application or other document, you may leave it in the secure drop box located outside of the Environmental Health Division entrance? Please only drive if and when the roads are safe and clear to do so, like over the weekend.
To report a positive COVID-19 case, please leave a message at 475-675-5733, our contact tracing hotline. Due to the high volume of cases, calls may be returned more than 24 hours later.
We will reopen Monday 1/10/22 at 8:30AM.
For information related to winter weather, visit
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