2017 Naugatuck POD Exercise
On June 20, 2017, the Naugatuck Valley Health District completed a functional Point of Dispensing (POD) exercise. What is a POD? A POD is any of the locations to which the public is directed to obtain necessary drugs, vaccines, or supplies during a catastrophe or public health emergency. In this exercise, response to an emerging infectious disease that required mass prophylaxis was tested. NVHD would like to thank its Department of Emergency Management & Homeland Security (DEMHS) ESF #8 Healthcare Coalition Partners for providing mutual aid support for both POD workers/volunteers and equipment. 4 out of the 5 CT regions were represented!
Participation included representation from Local Health Departments, Medical Reserve Corps Units, Community Emergency Response Teams, EMS companies, the CT-Disaster Behavioral Health Response Network, Health & Human Services, a Local Pharmacy, and Visiting Nurse Services of CT.
Special thanks to:
Big Y Pharmacy (Naugatuck), Chesprocott Health District Volunteers, CT-Disaster Behavioral Health Response Network, Danbury Health & Human Services, East Shore District Health Department, Echo Hose Ambulance, Fairfield Health Department, Naugatuck CERT, Naugatuck Valley Medical Reserve Corps, New Haven Health Department, Newtown Health District, Pomperaug District Department of Health, Shoreline MRC, Torrington Area Health District, Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut, Waterbury Health Department, Yale/New Haven MRC.
More information about the exercise can be found in the Naugatuck POD Exercise After Action Report 2017.