⚠ ATTENTION all Temporary Food Event Operators, Food Vendors, and Event Coordinators/Volunteers! We have a new Temporary Event Application for the 2025 season. Head to the forms & applications section of the website to download a copy of the new application today!

Hepatitis Awareness Month

May is Hepatitis Awareness Month

Learn more about the different types of hepatitis and how viral hepatitis impacts the Valley…


For more information about Hepatitis A, B, C or to learn about Hepatitis D & E, please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/
According to the FDA, although foodborne illnesses caused by hepatitis A are not common in the U.S., water, shellfish, raw vegetables and fruit (berries), and salads are most frequently cited as potential foodborne sources. To learn more about this, please visit https://www.fda.gov/…/foodborne…/hepatitis-virus-hav

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