Stay safe post-flood! Visit here to learn more about how to stay safe.

TRAFFIC ADVISORY: NVHD IS OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION ON RT. 67.Traffic may temporarily be re-routed to enter the parking lot from Martha St. during construction. There is a uniformed officer daily that can help direct you if this is necessary.

Board of Directors

The Naugatuck Valley Health District is governed by a Board of Directors. Representatives are appointed for three year terms by our member municipalities according to a formula set forth in the Connecticut General Statutes. Board members may serve consecutive terms. Our Board generously volunteer their time, knowledge and experience to assure the health and safety of all our residents.

Board of Directors

Adam Bronko, Chairman

John Zikaras, Vice Chairman
Thomas Clifford, Executive Committee Chair
Jessica Kristy, Secretary/Treasurer (Ex-Officio)

Frederick A. Browne, MD, MBA, FSHEA, FACP, Medical Advisor
Frederick Stanek, Esquire, Legal Consultant


Thomas Clifford III, Thomas Carney

Beacon Falls

Barbara Dlugos


Rita Pelaggi, Cady Lenart


Adam Bronko, Meghan Smith, Jan Mizeski, (VACANCY)


Rosalie Averill, Marietta Sabetta


Jean Jones, John Zikaras, Barbara Lombardi, Justin Rompre, (VACANCY)